Weight Loss Chart

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Intensive Day 1, 8th Feb

Started intensive Positrim phase today
Total calory intake in 1200 calories. Went to GYM.

target is to take a call on 18th Morning.Decide to continue for how many days.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012


It's so important keep on reminding yourself about the success principles.
Once mind is in the momentum mode then there is no stopping. You will achieve your goal.

So here is the plan.
I need to bring down my body weight below (80 Kgs) .

How much time i have , with my experience 2 months should be enough (60 days)

Poisitrim single meal - 3 days. (3 packs) 1500 cals
Positrim intensive - 12 days. (24 packs) 1200
Positrim single mean 12 days. (12 packs) 1500 cals
Expecting minimum of 4 to 5 Kgs by end of this
start date: 2/2/2012